Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rogers offers new BES data plan, still has that familiar feeling (’Cool Deals?)

Rogers offers new BES data plan, still has that familiar feeling (’Cool Deals?)
We've got leaked details on Rogers new BES data plan for enterprise subscribers. 300 MB for $45 doesn't sound like much of a deal, does it?

A screenshot of Rogers new BES data plan for <b>BlackBerry</b>

One might say that feeling is located somewhere in the posterior region of Rogers subscribers. We recently tipped you off to a Rogers deal that would provide SMBs with a free BES for 15 new Rogers subscriptions, and now we’re letting you know that Rogers is offering a new data plan for BES users, whereby you receive a whopping 300MB of data for the low, low price of $45/month!

But can this really be constituted as a ‘Cool Deal? My first reaction upon seeing this was, “Well, it’s cheaper than the previous plan of 25MB for $60.” It’s also well known that enterprise customers frequently get the short stick in pricing compared to consumers, but this may be beyond the pale. Right now, until August 31st, Rogers BlackBerry subscribers can upgrade their consumer plan to 6GB for $30/month. If anyone can explain the schism between the pricing, other than ‘Rogers can get away with it,’ please post a comment below.

Read the rest of Rogers offers new BES data plan, still has that familiar feeling (’Cool Deals?) (160 words)

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