Monday, August 4, 2008

BlackBerry KickStart, RIM’s financial strategy and stock outlook (Andy Brown Interview Series)

We sit down with Andy Brown of Strategy Analytics to talk about his time with Mike Lazaridis at the UK Bold launch party.

RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis and Andy Brown of Strategy Analytics

Earlier this year, the BBCool team had the great opportunity to meet Andy Brown of Strategy Analytics. Andy is a wireless industry analyst with a decade of experience covering all things RIM and BlackBerry and was at the recent UK launch of the BlackBerry Bold, where he was able to spend time picking the brain of RIM Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis. We were fortunate enough to sit down with Andy for a loooong discussion about Mike’s take on a variety of subjects: the BlackBerry Bold and Thunder hardware, RIM’s consumer vs. enterprise strategy, and a whole bunch of other interesting tidbits.

What follows is part one of our in-depth look at Lazaridis’ thoughts, filtered through the veteran analysis of Mr. Brown. We’ve broken the the interview down by subject, arranged as small audio clips buttressed by important text. Today we look at RIM’s financial strategy, the importance of the BlackBerry KickStart, and their stock outlook. Enjoy.

Read the rest of BlackBerry KickStart, RIM’s financial strategy and stock outlook (Andy Brown Interview Series) (225 words)

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